Píng的成立,來自於兩位創辦人 James和 Sonic 的覺察和明白市場需要—現時年輕人的社交場所多是派對房或自己屋企,玩桌游,為的都是增進關係和多彼此了解,其實也需要輕酒精飲品,讓氣氛更熱鬧,大家更放鬆去表達自己,雞尾酒則迎合這個需要。再者,坊間亦鮮有培育品嘗雞尾酒的文化,調酒師 Sonic 希望透過設計香港特式的瓶裝雞尾酒,令喜歡在私人空間聚會的年輕人體會到雞尾酒的特別。
Píng, the bottled cocktail project named by the duo, James and Sonic, all of whom noticed the norm of how young people have their social activities —playing board games at home or in party room, and it is natural to drink a little, which is perfect to order Píng’s bottle cocktails, for everyone to chill out, get in the mood for fun and be free to express themselves.