

Aesop was established in 1987. We are headquartered in Melbourne, and have offices and stores in many parts of the world. Our objective has always been to formulate skin, hair and body care products of the finest quality; we investigate widely to source plant-based and laboratory-made ingredients, and use only those with a proven record of safety and efficacy. In each of our unique stores, informed consultants are pleased to introduce the Aesop range and to guide your selections.



The Karen Leung Foundation (KLF) is working to save lives in Hong Kong by raising awareness of gynaecological cancer, educating women to increase rates of early detection and ensuring that women in treatment have access to optimal medical care. Founded in 2013, we are the first and only organisation in Hong Kong solely devoted to women’s gynaecological cancers. To date, the Karen Leung Foundation has raised more than HK$26 Million to fight gynaecological cancer and help Hong Kong girls and women. The Karen Leung Foundation honours the memory of Karen Leung, a hedge fund trader, who died at age 35 following a diagnosis of metastatic cervical cancer.


LELO 是全球領先的情趣用品設計品牌。 LELO 於 2003 年推出,改變了人們對個人按摩器外觀、感覺和功能的看法,現在將同樣的理念套卜於臥室用品及大豆按摩蠟燭之中,延續品牌對質量和創新作出的承諾。 LELOi AB 是 LELO 位於瑞典的母公司,其辦事處從斯德哥爾摩擴展到聖何塞,從悉尼延伸至上海。

LELO is the world’s leading designer brand for intimate lifestyle products. On launching in 2003, LELO transformed the look, feel and function of how personal massagers were perceived, and now applies the same commitment to quality and innovation through bedroom accessories and soy massage candles. LELOi AB is the Swedish company behind LELO, where offices extend from Stockholm to San Jose, from Sydney to Shanghai.


Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab (MYC Floral Lab)創辦人及首席花藝師Samantha Lam 曾隨台灣花藝美學大師凌宗湧先生學習,畢業於西恩花藝學院及完成世界知名花藝學院Mcqueens Flower School的進修課程。MYC Floral Lab近年開始積極開展不同程度的花藝課程, 除基本及專業花藝知識,亦著重花藝創作領域,以多元的大型架構作品和大膽的配色著稱, 從事各類型商業活動及宴會佈置,曾與不同類型品牌合作,合作單位包括100毛,匯豐銀行,Givenchy , Olay , Guerlain, Charlotte Tilbury,K11musea, Rosewood Hong Kong , The Upper House 等。曾被經濟日報,商業電台,香港電台,新城電台,明報,香港本地電視台,雜誌Research Wedding訪問。

Founder and Chief Floral Designer of Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab (MYC Floral Lab), Ms. Samantha Lam, graduated from Taiwan CN Flower School where her teacher was known as the Master of New Oriental Floral Design Aesthetics Mr. Alfie Lin.

After completing advanced courses from world-renowned Mcqueens Flower School, she started to develop various floral design courses not only with both basic and professional floral knowledge, but also with emphases on floral creations, specifically famed for diversified floral installations and choices of bold and strong color palettes.

In addition to floral design courses, our reputation in commercial and wedding floral design is also rooted deep into the Hong Kong market. Some examples of notable commercial brand collaborations were with 100most, HSBC, Givenchy, Olay, Guerlain, Charlotte Tilbury, K11 Musea, Rosewood Hong Kong and The Upper House. Thankfully, many of our works and projects received considerable attention and garnered media coverage like HKET, Commercial Radio Hong Kong, RTHK, Metroradio, Mingpao, local TV channel, Research Wedding magazine et cetera.



Hand-baked in Hong Kong



Taboocha 是 Pat & Lisa 兩姐妹創立的本地手工發酵茶品牌。 發酵茶是一種發酵茶,天然有氣酸酸甜甜,而且促進腸道健康和排毒,因此有些人亦會形容它為有益的「汽水」。

所有大杯茶飲品都是於本地釀造,而且所有瓶身包裝設計全由香港本地藝術家操刀。 我們希望木杯茶不只為大家帶來一種健康飲品,還可以出一分力去創造一個更幸福、更美好的世界。

自 2014 年成立以來,我們致力為本地市場介紹發酵茶與它的食療功效。Taboocha在短短幾年內迅速發展,相繼推出樽裝、桶裝及罐裝,全面進駐港九新界的咖啡店、餐廳和各大超級市場,而且提供回收樽服務,積極推動環保。

大眾亦能在不同的本地文化活動找到Taboocha的蹤影,包括Secret Island Party、Wow & Flutter 的the Weekend 、Outlook Festival、Art Central、K11音樂表演Musik、西九Ultra音樂節等。 我們的飲料除了樽裝,也會以斟倒装置形式出售。

Taboocha is the first local handcrafted kombucha brew found by two sisters Pat & Lisa. Kombucha is a fermented tea that is served chilled, naturally bubbly, and resembles the taste of a yummy sweet and sour soda drink. It contains enzymes and probiotics which are good for gut health and detox, and as such, some people describe it as the “”soft drink”” that is good for you/ your gut.

Not only are their drinks locally brewed, but also their bottle labels are designed by Hong Kong’s local artists. They hope that by promoting our brand, they are not only sharing a healthier lifestyle but also helping to create a happier and friendlier world to live in.

Since the incorporation in 2014, they have focused their marketing efforts on educating the local market about kombucha, what it is and why it is good for us. Within a few years, Taboocha has made its journey from kitchen to local markets, bottles to kegs, making friendly appearances at your neighbourly cafes, restaurants, and shops while spreading the love for local sustainable growth.

We have also vendored at a number of events including the Secret Island Party, the Weekend by Wow & Flutter, the Outlook Festival, Art Central, Musik at K11, Ultra at West Kowloon, and received overwhelming responses from the audience. Our drinks are normally sold in bottles but we have also catered to some events to serve in biodegradable cups (from taps).


香港本地護膚美妝品牌Woke Up Like This 於2019年成立,旗下產品均生產自美國加州,並與姊妹品牌 SKIN NEED 合作製作。品牌以女性為主導,致力以純素及環保的護膚美妝產品,推廣「自愛」概念,為顧客帶來正能量。


The California-made and Hong Kong-based beauty brand Woke Up Like This was launched in 2019, promoting self-love and positive energy through vegan and environmentally-friendly cosmetic and beauty products in partnership with skincare brand SKIN NEED.

WULT also aims to be a powerhouse of female empowerment, building a community that spreads love and encouragement to users while bringing to light important social issues.



About Young Master Brewery-Hong Kong’s Own Artisanal Ales

Young Master Brewery was born out of a desire to brew distinctive, world-class, extremely fresh beers locally for Hong Kong. Founded by Rohit Dugar in 2013, Young Master aims to revive craft brewing in Hong Kong and bring the local drinking experience up a notch. The beers are brewed fresh with the highest quality ingredients that are not filtered, pasteurized, or without artificial stabilizers or chemicals. Young Master will constantly innovate and bring new styles to showcase the diversity in beer. Young Master beer will be the freshest you can find in Hong Kong with the shortest distance traveled from grain to your glass.



Design Change 是一間去中心化的代理機構,旨在改變我們工作的方式。它根據不同人的背景與技能,以端對端的方式選取專員處理不同行業客人的項目。自2019年成立以來,己為餐飲、零售、美容、金融、社交、教育和初創企業的客戶找到專員完成工作。它們的服務包括策略研究、品牌推廣、設計、UXUI、網站開發、數位行銷等。

Design Change is a decentralised agency and collective with a vision to challenge the way we work. It connects talents of different backgrounds based on their skills and passion, to deliver projects for clients across different industries in an end-to-end manner. Since launching in 2019, they have delivered projects for clients across F&B, retail, beauty, finance, social, education and start-ups. Their services include research & strategy, branding, visual design, UXUI, website development, digital marketing and beyond.

香港唯一以撥款及能力培訓,推動性別平等的民間女性基金會。婦女動力基金的資助伙伴為本地基層自助互助組織,她們直接與所屬的社群同行,透過消除針對女性的暴力和歧視,改善性別經濟公義,擴充女性的聲音及促進女性公民的社會參與度,從而推動性別平等。她們的工作對倡導女性權利和性別平等至關重要。 我們相信社群的帶領者最了解應對自身處境的需要,並相信她們的決定能為性別平等帶來最大的改變。

As the only community women’s fund to advance gender equality by grant-making and capacity building in Hong Kong. Our grantee partners are grassroots organizations in Hong Kong working directly in their communities to fight gender inequality. They focus on achieving freedom from violence, economic justice, discrimination, strengthening voices and civil participation for all. These are some of the most critical building blocks for women’s human rights and gender equality. HER Fund believes the community leaders we work with know best what their communities need most, and we trust their decisions when it comes to making the biggest difference for gender equality.


The Gender Studies Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is the first programme on gender studies in tertiary education in Hong Kong. Established in 1997, the Gender Studies Programme is interdisciplinary in nature, with expertise drawn from different academic departments such as psychology, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, social work, translation, history and linguistics. It offers coursework and research opportunities with an inter-disciplinary team of faculty members. It provides students with a broad-based education in traditional academic disciplines while specializing in gender studies. We are dedicated to promote awareness and interest in gender and sexuality issues on campus, in schools, and in the wider society.