Sarah是一位資深的心理諮詢師,從事心理諮詢工作 16 年,擁有社會科學(諮詢)碩士學位,專注於認知行為療法 (CBT)、工作創傷和成癮心理學研究,擅長治療抑鬱症和焦慮症。Sarah曾在世界各地工作,她在移居香港前在美國公共衛生部門工作了近十年,也曾在包括拉丁美洲、非洲和亞洲各地工作。
作為一名在亞洲生活了 11 年的母親,Sarah強調與自己和他人建立友誼和信任的重要性。Sarah透過輔導工作幫助成人、青少年和夫妻改善人際關係,在協助他們磨練應對生活壓力技能的同時,Sarah視諮詢為一種賦權工具,致力幫助人們重新發現自己內在的力量。
Sarah worked in the US public health sector for nearly a decade before relocating to Hong Kong. She has been counseling for 16 years and specializes in the treatment of depression and anxiety. She holds a Masters in Social Science (Counseling) with a focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), trauma work and addiction psychology studies.
Sarah believes the basis of positive mental health is found in our relationships. As a mother and expat living in Asia for the past 11 years, she emphasizes the importance of friendship and trust with oneself and with others. By supporting adults, adolescents and couples to improve their relationships while honing skills to manage life stress, she applies counseling as an empowering tool to help people access their own inherent strength. Sarah advocates for the use of Mindfulness Meditation and is a certified level II practitioner of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). She believes these modalities are fundamental in treating long-standing issues and in creating tangible results for her clients.
Sarah has worked all over the world, including Latin America, Africa, and now Asia. Sarah is also a certified yoga teacher and continues to study alternative systems of wellness including Buddhism and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her treatment plans are known for being integrative and her counseling framework is diverse, addressing one’s full spectrum of needs.