Bowtie (「保泰人壽」)是持牌人壽保險公司及香港首間虛擬保險公司,致力於填補健康的保障缺口及改變港人獲得醫療保障的方式。Bowtie透過創新科技及醫療專業,提供零中介、免佣金,更方便的網上平台,讓客戶隨時隨地獲得食衞局認可的「自願醫保計劃」產品報價、核保及索償服務。Bowtie獲得三井物産、香港永明金融有限公司及多間國際投資公司共同支持。欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:http://www.bowtie.com.hk
我們對科學和技術的熱情促使我們在 66 個國家/地區的 60,300 名員工為當今最嚴峻的挑戰尋找解決方案,並創造更可持續的生活方式。
About Bowtie
The Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited is an authorized life insurance company and Hong Kong’s first virtual insurer approved under the Fast Track pilot scheme. Through modern technology and medical expertise, Bowtie offers an agent-free, commission-free, and more convenient online platform for customers to quote, apply, and claim health insurance plans certified by the Food and Health Bureau under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) anytime, anywhere. Bowtie is backed by Mitsui & Co., Ltd , Sun Life Financial and supported by leading international reinsurers. Stay up to date at https://www.bowtie.com.hk/en
About Merck
Merck As a vibrant science and technology company, we believe in science as a force for good. We make a positive difference in millions of people’s lives.
Our passion for science and technology is what drives our 60,300 employees across 66 countries to find solutions to some of today’s toughest challenges and create more sustainable ways to live.
We are here for people at every step, helping create, improve and prolong life. We deliver personalized treatments for serious diseases and enable people to achieve their dream of becoming parents. We empower the scientific community. Our tools, services, and digital platform make research simpler, more exact, and help to deliver breakthroughs more quickly. We provide progressive treatment solutions that help improve access to health thanks to the accuracy of our tests and the reliability of our medicine. As a company, we are at the forefront of digital living. Our science sits inside technologies that change the way we access, store, process, and display information. Our innovative technology drives human progress and opens new possibilities to transform life on Earth as we know it.
瑞典品牌Intimina 創立於2009年,旨在生產一系列專屬女性私密健康的產品。Intimina帶來三大針對性產品:月經護理、加強盆底肌肉及女性健康,以迎合所有年齡層的女性。每種產品都由最高品質且對身體無害的物料製作而成,並在全球多個醫學顧問及婦科醫生協助下進行設計及測試。
Established in 2009, Intimina is a Swedish brand complete with a line of products for women’s intimate well-being. With three care ranges – Menstrual Care, Pelvic Floor Strengthening, and Feminine Wellness – Intimina has products for women of all ages. Every product is made from the highest quality body-safe materials, and has been designed and tested with the support of a worldwide group of medical consultants and gynecologists.
Dove is committed to helping all women realise their personal beauty potential by creating products that deliver real care.
We have been working to make beauty a source of confidence, not anxiety. Beauty is not defined by shape, size or colour – it’s authentic. Unique. Real. We invite all women to experience beauty on their own terms by engaging them with products that deliver superior care. Women have always been our inspiration. Since the beginning, we have been wholly committed to providing superior care to all women and to championing real women and real beauty in our advertising.
Our commitment to redefining beauty remains the same and we will continue to use ad campaigns as an opportunity to redefine beauty, challenge stereotypes and celebrate what makes women unique.
We are committed to taking tangible action to change beauty and we invite all women to join us. Let’s Change Beauty.
望月,由一群喜歡吃的朋友,於 2012年創立。
我們熱愛烘焙,最初設立教室, 邀請各類麵包糕點師傅,一同傳授烘焙心得,
至 2011年,我們開設的酥皮奶黃月餅班大受歡迎;
在徇眾要求下,我們成立「望月」品牌, 在每年中秋佳節,製作一期一會的月餅以餉饕客。
除了客人熱切期待的酥皮奶黃月餅及流心奶黃月餅外, 望月亦一直於口味上作出不同嘗試,2019年更加入 流心抹茶月餅及抹茶紅豆月餅,均備受各方好友愛戴。
每一種選材、每一個包裝細節,望月都腳踏實地, 一步一步不斷改善,堅持香港製造的同時, 希望以更好的產品,回饋我們的朋友, 把簡單而窩心的美味,分享給更多不同的人。
Patisserie La Lune is founded in 2012 by a group of friends passionate about food.
Our love for baking led us to start small classrooms in which we invited famous pastry chefs to teach and share their baking experience. These baking classes received positive and enthusiastic feedback. Hence, the brand “Patisserie La Lune” is established by the popular demand of our students.
We make mooncakes every mid-autumn festival for our beloved customers, with the classic custard mooncake and the lava custard mooncake as our signature products. Our matcha lava mooncake and matcha red bean mooncake, another featured collection, is introduced in 2019 with great support from friends all around.
All decisions are carefully made, from every ingredient to every detail of our packaging. We believe customers are the core of our business, and we continuously strive for better results through the simplest yet heartwarming delicacies.
我們的產品採用天然、有機的物料,而且不含色素、香料、基因改造及氯化物,並獲得 FDA、CE 和 ISO 認證。無論是哪一天,我們都會全方位照顧您的所需,貼心呵護您的肌膚,讓您無拘無束去體驗生命裡的無限可能。
As a purpose-driven female hygiene company, Pacha’s mission is to make periods better for our bodies and our Mother Earth, through organic and eco-friendly period products and programs that tackle menstrual stigma.
以「滿足全球消費者多元需求」為初衷,Rihanna創立Fenty Beauty。不僅突破傳統美妝行業對膚色的刻板界定,更不斷升級配方,創造適合多種膚質類型及膚色的單品。這些都源自Fenty Beauty的靈感繆斯Rihanna—— 「化妝從來不該是一件有壓力的事,也不會千篇一律,相反,它能為帶來快樂並令你享受其中。你可以做新的探索和冒險,不斷嘗新並變成獨特的自己。」
Fenty Beauty, led by CEO Robyn Rihanna Fenty, is a partnership between Rihanna and LVMH. Rihanna created Fenty Beauty “so that people everywhere would be included,” focusing on a wide range of traditionally hard-to-match skin tones, developing formulas that work for all skin types, and pinpointing universal shades. Her vision, above all, is to inspire: “Makeup is there for you to have fun with. It should never feel like pressure. It should never feel like a uniform. Feel free to take chances, and take risks, and dare to do something new or different.”
# by CAMEL 是由香港設計師設計的全新生活方式和冒險系列。 SPLASH 50 全個水樽配上Tritan物料,輕巧而耐用,Splash 50 確保你嘅週末旅程可以愜意徒步。
# by CAMEL is the new lifestyle and adventure focused line designed by Hong Kong designers. The SPLASH 50 Tritan bottles are tough, grip-friendly and low maintenance, designed for the adventurers and those on the go.
The Preface was established in Hong Kong in 2015, dedicated to producing natural and efficient products for Hong Kong skin. Overthrowing the saying “natural product doesn’t work”, our products perfectly fit the needs of Hong Kong people compared to foreign brands. All products are proudly made in our dust-free workshop in Hong Kong, and are free from steroids, mineral oil, paraffin, silicon, synthetic fragrances, colorings and harmful preservatives.
Vanish is committed to developing a sustainable future. One in which clothes are able to live many lives both through providing solutions that remove stains and revive your favorite clothes and engaging consumers to drive positive behaviours to promote sustainable fashion.
Reckitt, mother company of Vanish, exists to protect, heal and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world. We believe that access to the highest-quality hygiene, wellness and nourishment is a right, not a privilege.
我們是香港科研護膚品牌 factiv,
護膚行業充斥太多「奇蹟」,但我們相信 “NO FAIRY TALES”⸺
factiv is founded by a team of Hong Kong scientists. Our collection of formulations focuses on scientific evidence and active ingredients.
To us, factiv is not just a brand. It is a movement to spread the belief of “valuing science and truth”, through our technology-infused skincare offerings, and through making knowledge accessible.
“When it comes to skincare, there is NO FAIRY TALES.”
CHOKOHOOD is a craft chocolate concept store in Hong Kong. We source good quality chocolate ingredients from around the world and make them into delicious chocolate drinks and desserts. Our aim is to promote the idea of “craft bean-to-bar chocolate” by organising various tasting workshops. We hope to bring back the sweet childHOOD memories and the ultimate chocolate experience to our customers.
承傳著70多年的歷史,《依馬打》 一直以來製造傳統及有 信譽的中藥油。我們每款產品 均在香港製造,以確保向客戶 提供最優質的產品。我們的產 品行銷世界各地,深受廣大人 士的信任和愛戴,建議為家居 和旅行必備良藥。
With more than 70 years of history to date, Imada is a trusted manufacturer of Chinese traditional medicinal oils and remedies. Each of our products are made in Hong Kong to ensure we are providing the highest quality products to the public. Our products are marketed around the world with the trust and love from foreign people, young to elderly and are advised to use safely as home and travel medicine.
Píng的成立,來自於兩位創辦人 James和 Sonic 的覺察和明白市場需要—現時年輕人的社交場所多是派對房或自己屋企,玩桌游,為的都是增進關係和多彼此了解,其實也需要輕酒精飲品,讓氣氛更熱鬧,大家更放鬆去表達自己,雞尾酒則迎合這個需要。再者,坊間亦鮮有培育品嘗雞尾酒的文化,調酒師 Sonic 希望透過設計香港特式的瓶裝雞尾酒,令喜歡在私人空間聚會的年輕人體會到雞尾酒的特別。
Píng, the bottled cocktail project named by the duo, James and Sonic, all of whom noticed the norm of how young people have their social activities —playing board games at home or in party room, and it is natural to drink a little, which is perfect to order Píng’s bottle cocktails, for everyone to chill out, get in the mood for fun and be free to express themselves.
Okamoto Industries Inc. was established in 1934, as one of the most famous latex and rubber manufacturers in the world, explicitly in condom production. With tremendous effort over 80 years, Okamoto keeps developing the business with diversifications for other products and never and ever compromises on the qualities. “We strive to gather our creative technical capabilities in an effort to create products that help people live healthy, comfortable lives, thereby delivering even greater satisfaction to everyone with whom we are involved.” this oath makes Okamoto keep succeeding, long live and prosper.
OLLY is a US supplement brand. Good health is at the center of everything we do. That’s why we’ve made it our personal mission to make health easy to understand, so you can pursue good health without compromise. We do it by crafting products that are just as effective as they are delightful and delicious. Because we know when something feels good, you’re a lot more likely to do it.
Welspring 康泉 (www.welspring.hk) 是優質生活購物平台, 支持有機、公平貿易、健康生活。代理 Dr. Bronner’s 有機香皂和潔手抗箘噴霧等防疫產品,適合BB、濕疹人士和寵物。提供食物過敏檢測,視像營養諮詢,適合企業採購、員工安康活動。歡迎合作查詢 (info@welspring.hk)。
* 連續 4 年,Welspring 康泉 榮獲「優質有機零售商 Quality Organic Retailer」嘉許。
Welspring is a social business and e-store devoted to promoting organic, fair trade and sustainability. We are distributor of Dr. Bronner’s soaps, hand sanitizers, and body care ~ products that are good for babies, families, people with sensitive skin or eczema. We provide natural pet grooming products. Our healthcare solutions include body check services for food allergy, gut health and women’s health; and telehealth nutrition consultation.
Our CSR/ESG initiatives include health talks, workshops, marketplace events, employee care packs, green office procurement, sustainable corporate gifting.
Quality Organic Retailer, Fair Trade Awardee for 4 years. Shop at our e-store, www.welspring.hk.
Sole agent of Dr. Bronner’s soaps, hand sanitizer, body care. We distribute to organic and zero waste stores in Hong Kong and Macau. Wholesale enquiries and collaboration welcome, email us at info@welspring.hk.
EC SAYS 首創的湯藥粥,由香港註冊中醫師處方,針對不同體質需要,以食治將中藥融入日常生活,令中藥也可空腹食用。EC SAYS 在台灣嚴選中藥材,再配合各種不同食材的性味及功效,並利用衞生科學技術生產,製作成獨立包裝方便攜帶的湯藥粥,以便每天進食;EC SAYS 湯藥粥系列,輕易融入忙碌生活,日日同健康Say YES!
EC SAYS hopes to change the daily eating habits of urbanites in a way of strengthening the health and consolidating the foundation, and lay a healthy foundation step by step from the inside to the outside with food therapy. Incorporating modern technology, creating simple and convenient methods to bring traditional Chinese medicine elements to everyday life.
EC SAYS introduces the first medicinal porridge in the market, prescribed by professional TCM practitioners. The medicinal porridge benefits various physical conditions, integrates TCM food treatment into daily life and can be eaten on an empty stomach. EC SAYS medicinal ingredients are strictly selected in Taiwan; their nature and effects taken into account, combined with health science and technology-based production, made into individually packaged and portable porridge for daily consumption. EC SAYS porridge series are easily integrated into the busy life, strengthening your physique on a daily basis, helping you reach your health goals.
香港本地護膚美妝品牌Woke Up Like This(www.wokeuplikethisbeauty.com)於2019年成立,旗下產品均生產自美國加州,並與姊妹品牌SKIN NEED BYOB合作製作。品牌以女性為主導,致力以純素及環保的護膚美妝產品,推廣「自愛」概念,為顧客帶來正能量。
The California-made and Hong Kong-based beauty brand Woke Up Like This
(www.wokeuplikethisbeauty.com) was launched in 2019, promoting self-love and positive
energy through vegan and environmentally-friendly cosmetic and beauty products in partnership with skincare brand SKIN NEED and BYOB.
WULT also aims to be a powerhouse of female empowerment, building a community that
spreads love and encouragement to users while bringing to light important social issues.
YES® is a global brand sold in over 113 countries. We work alongside healthcare professionals around the world to support the intimate health challenges of women. We actively seek to educate and normalise conversation around vaginal dryness, whether it’s due to breastfeeding, menopause, medication, or because that is normal for your body. We work alongside numerous charities, and social organisations to raise awareness of the issues women face whether that’s cancer or menopause. And we continue to evolve and develop our product range to meet those needs.
ZeroYet100 建立在自然更好的原則之上。我們的產品採用源自大自然的成分配製而成,具有強大的先天特性。因此,沒有任何毒性但完全有效。
我們的產品不含有害物質(即有毒和有害的化學物質),我們的成分透明且純淨。全天然產品在我們的香港工作室配製而成,並由我們的聯合創始人 Anita Patel 和 Sheetal Avlani 親自測試,以實現更有效的產品。然後將手工製作的產品裝在可回收或可升級的包裝中,並僅貼上層壓標籤和無塑料紙製品貼紙。
ZeroYet100 旨在讓您能夠最好地照顧自己、您的親人和您周圍的世界。無需妥協。
ZeroYet100 is founded on the principle that natural is better. Our products are formulated with ingredients derived from nature with potent innate properties. Thus, nothing toxic yet totally effective.
Our line is free of nasties (i.e. toxic and harmful chemicals) and our ingredient list is transparent and pure. The all-natural products are formulated at our workshop in Hong Kong and personally tested by our co-founders, Anita Patel and Sheetal Avlani, to achieve a more, if not the most, effective product in it’s range. The handcrafted products are then housed in recyclable or up-cyclable packaging and labelled with only lamination and plastic free paper product stickers.
Our gender-neutral, toxic-free products are suitable for children, to-be-moms, already grandparents….and everyone in the family!
ZeroYet100 aims to empower you to take the best care of yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you. No compromises required.
Taboocha 是 Pat & Lisa 兩姐妹創立的本地手工發酵茶品牌。 發酵茶是一種發酵茶,天然有氣酸酸甜甜,而且促進腸道健康和排毒,因此有些人亦會形容它為有益的「汽水」。
所有大杯茶飲品都是於本地釀造,而且所有瓶身包裝設計全由香港本地藝術家操刀。 我們希望木杯茶不只為大家帶來一種健康飲品,還可以出一分力去創造一個更幸福、更美好的世界。
自 2014 年成立以來,我們致力為本地市場介紹發酵茶與它的食療功效。Taboocha在短短幾年內迅速發展,相繼推出樽裝、桶裝及罐裝,全面進駐港九新界的咖啡店、餐廳和各大超級市場,而且提供回收樽服務,積極推動環保。
大眾亦能在不同的本地文化活動找到Taboocha的蹤影,包括Secret Island Party、Wow & Flutter 的the Weekend 、Outlook Festival、Art Central、K11音樂表演Musik、西九Ultra音樂節等。 我們的飲料除了樽裝,也會以斟倒装置形式出售。
Taboocha is the first local handcrafted kombucha brew found by two sisters Pat & Lisa. Kombucha is a fermented tea that is served chilled, naturally bubbly, and resembles the taste of a yummy sweet and sour soda drink. It contains enzymes and probiotics which are good for gut health and detox, and as such, some people describe it as the “”soft drink”” that is good for you/ your gut.
Not only are their drinks locally brewed, but also their bottle labels are designed by Hong Kong’s local artists. They hope that by promoting our brand, they are not only sharing a healthier lifestyle but also helping to create a happier and friendlier world to live in.
Since the incorporation in 2014, they have focused their marketing efforts on educating the local market about kombucha, what it is and why it is good for us. Within a few years, Taboocha has made its journey from kitchen to local markets, bottles to kegs, making friendly appearances at your neighbourly cafes, restaurants, and shops while spreading the love for local sustainable growth.
We have also vendored at a number of events including the Secret Island Party, the Weekend by Wow & Flutter, the Outlook Festival, Art Central, Musik at K11, Ultra at West Kowloon, and received overwhelming responses from the audience. Our drinks are normally sold in bottles but we have also catered to some events to serve in biodegradable cups (from taps).
To discover and nurture the next currents for local creative industry of moving images
To encourage creativity, aesthetics and innovative use of medium
To encourage cross-fertilization of creativity, knowledge and experience on media creation among different regions in Asia