Luna Is A Bep,香港獨立唱作人。生活太苦悶,因此想寫文。又想渲染大眾,因此想寫歌。擅長胡亂舞文弄墨,因此開始說唱。2018 年開始嘗試寫歌、參與演出。在音樂類型上來者不拒,尤好 LO-FI 風格。人生好長,不止想做音樂,一直在探索其他可能性。喜歡閱讀,希望在香港充當推廣閱讀的content creator。路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。
Luna Is A Bep is a Hong Kong-based female rapper. Luna started writing rap lyrics and releasing on online platforms in early 2018. Luna writes songs about life and the surroundings and music is not the only goal of her. She wishes to step forward to arouse people to care about what’s happening around the world, and to live their life to the fullest.