馮樂恆,香港大學社會科學學院哲學碩士。2016年創辦MenstruAction,以破除月經禁忌及推廣與性別、月經有關的討論為目標,曾主辦電影放映會、講座、視覺藝術比賽及展覽等活動。2019年與月事教育友好共同創立Free Periods Hong Kong,關注不同階層及處境來經者(如基層及殘疾人士)的月事體驗;並提供多元的月事教育與更經濟的月事用品選擇。經痛受害者、布M巾使用第6年。
Joyce Fung is the founder of MenstruAction, co-founder of Free Periods Hong Kong and an MPhil graduate of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong (2021). She started MenstruAction in 2016 as part of her undergraduate final year project and has run the initiative ever since (unexpectedly). Realising how menstruation is deeply intertwined with issues of public health, gender equality and social justice, she strives to raise awareness of menstruation-related issues ranging from menstrual health to period poverty. In 2019, she co-founded Free Periods Hong Kong, a charity that focuses on the issue of period poverty and serves menstruators of different social positions (e.g. low-income group and people with disabilities).