從前在律師樓當秘書的Jacqueline,因婆婆生前遺下的一盤年桔開始製作果醬,並跑到不同自由市集擺擋試賣,結果大受歡迎,於2013年網上面書成立【Jam Story 果醬二三事】, 從此與鮮果展開長期對話。並於2014年尾在葵涌設立果醬工作室【Jooove Life】; 2016年推出第一部書《果醬二三事》(由萬里機構出版)。於2018-2022 Jacqueline 參加了由英國Dalemain Mason 舉辦 “The World’s Original Marmalade Award” (全球最大型柑橘果醬比賽) , 於來自40多個國家的3000多款參賽果醬中,有幸成為世界級果醬工匠之一,4年間於Artisan 組別中取得6金3銀成績。
Jam maker, Jacqueline Ng, who once worked at a law firm as a secretary. Her grandmother left her a plant of tangerine tree before and one day she stared at it and thought other people may make it as pickled tangerine. However, Jacqueline appreciates the culture of making jam from Taiwan. So she decided to cook the tangerine and make it as jam. Jacqueline made her very first jar of jam and began to sell in markets. She found the jam to be very popular, and eventually she to begin a full time jams making career. She established the Facebook page 【Jam Story果醬二三事】 and has sold jams online since 2013. Subsequently, she started her licensed jam studio【Jooove Life】 in Kwai Chung in 2014. In 2016, Jacqueline wrote a handmade jam cook book called “Jam Story” (published by WANLIBK). In 2019 – 2022 Jacqueline proudly became one of the world class marmalade artisans in “The World’s Original Marmalade Award” and won 6 gold, 3 Silver.