Carey Choi 曾修讀性教育專業証書課程,現為性教育工作者,於一所以性與生殖健康及年輕女性為本的前線慈善機構「青躍 – 青少女發展網絡」擔任項目助理經理,主要負責設計及推動本地全面性教育課程。Carey於各中學及網上平台舉辦不同主題的全面性教育工作坊,當中不時親身與後生仔女一同探討親密關係、性價值觀及態度、避孕與生育等議題。有感主流學校與年輕人對「性」的理解/需要都有所出入,故近年致力培育性教育朋輩教育大使,並與年輕人建立一個以青少年角度出發的全面性教育網上平台,提供正確有效的性教育資訊,希望年輕人從中學懂作出負責任的選擇,建立正面的性價值觀及人際關係。
Carey Choi is currently an assistant project manager at Teen’s Key, a front-line non-profit organization focused on the sexual and reproductive health of young women in Hong Kong, designing and implementing comprehensive sex education programmes for local schools.
After completing her professional certificate in sex education, Carey organized sex education workshops of various topics in secondary schools and on online platforms, exploring intimate relationships, values and attitudes toward sex, and reproduction and contraception.
Noticing the disparity between mainstream school’s education and youngsters’ sexual knowledge and needs, she focused on nurturing peer sex educators, building alongside them a comprehensive sex education platform from the perspectives of teenagers, in order to provide accurate and effective sexual knowledge, encouraging teens to make informed, responsible decisions, and building positive sexual values and interpersonal relationships.