獨立唱作人。2015年從英國回流後開始接觸結他及街頭音樂。2017年起漸漸專注個人創作並籌辦首個個人音樂會。其風格多樣,受到英倫音樂的薰陶,由民謠到輕迷幻電子風均有涉獵,純粹的歌聲更令其風格出眾。2019年發行首張個人專輯《Shades of Blue》。
CHANKA is an independent singer-songwriter. She started self-learning the guitar and participating in the busking scene since 2015. In 2017, she started focusing on songwriting and organised her first concert. Her music is deeply influenced by British musicians. Her trademark as a singer-songwriter has been her airy vocal that goes along with a vintage, dark, indie folk sound, often with a slight touch of psychedelic electronic elements. Her debut album “Shades of Blue” is released in 2019.