About Women’s Festival

About Women's Festival 女人節 2021

Eaton HK、Sally Coco和女影香港攜手合作,於2018年創辦了Women’s Festival女人節——全港唯一一個慶祝女性的力量與美麗的女人節!成立以來,我們由女性的視角與生活經驗出發,舉辦了三屆女人節,以音樂、電影、藝術、運動、學術等富有創意和正能量的角度與方式,探索「自主、自愛、自由」的理念!

Women’s Festival一直致力推動社會創新及變革,以行動支持及回應女性與其他邊緣社群在不同領域所面對的挑戰。過去三年,除了主要受惠機構「風雨蘭」及「關注婦女性暴力協會」之外,我們也為超過20個支援婦女及其他邊緣社群的本地非牟利機構籌募營運經費,以支援她們的工作。值得慶賀的是,Women’s Festival 也正式成為政府認可的慈善機構 WFHK Foundation Limited!

今年,Women’s Festival的活動收入扣除開支後將全數捐助「HER Fund 婦女動力基金」,香港唯一透過撥款、能力培訓、籌款和女性權益教育工作等推動性別平等、婦女和青少女權益的民間基金會。我們希望透過共享資源,令更多民間自發的女性組織成為可能。


* 活動收入扣除開支後將全數捐助本地唯一撥款資助女性組織工作的民間基金會「HER Fund 婦女動力基金」
* 部分場次門票扣除必要開支後會全數捐助指定本地非牟利機構
* Women’s Festival 女人節的主辦單位為慈善機構 WFHK Foundation Limited

Since 2018, Eaton HK, Sally Coco and Reel Women Hong Kong have joined hands to bring you the Women’s Festival, the first and only festival in Hong Kong dedicated to celebrating the power and beauty of women!

In the past 3 years, inspired by the life experience and perspectives of women, we curated 3 Women’s Festivals, aiming to promote gender awareness and equality in society, to assist participants enjoy and appreciate womanhood (and beyond) by exploring a range of medium and art forms, and to help incorporate both sex-positivism and art into their daily life.

Apart from arts and culture and gender awareness, WFHK is also dedicated to promote equality and social change. In the past years, we have been partnered with different women and gender related NGOs, and have been donating all net proceeds to Rainlily, ACSVAW and other local NGOs to support their continuous efforts in serving the marginalized and creating positive change in society. By becoming a charitable organization WFHK Foundation Limited, the Festival is also moving to a new stage in our work.

This year, all net proceeds of the Festival will go to our new beneficiary, HER Fund, Hong Kong’s only community women’s fund that promotes gender equality and women’s rights by grant-making, capacity building, and resource mobilization to grassroot women’s organizations.

Ultimately, through appreciating and embracing our bodies and emotions positively, we hope that people of all genders, orientations, ethnicities, abilities, age, and many more, may recognize and celebrate the strength, beauty and freedom of being yourself!

* All net proceeds after expenses will go to HER Fund
* All net proceeds of selected programme after expenses will go directly to specific NGOs
* Women’s Festival is organized by WFHK Foundation Limited, a charitable organization